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7573 Slater Ave. unit M
Huntington Beach, CA



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The Final Piece

Glen Warren

Robert relaxing with a 21 year single malt, neat.   Photo courtesy of Pacheco Photography.

Robert relaxing with a 21 year single malt, neat.   Photo courtesy of Pacheco Photography.

Robert Maurer is a professional graphic and interior designer living in Sacramento, CA.  For the past 10 years he has been collecting and restoring mid-century furniture and curating a gorgeous home with a design-forward tasteful and timeless style.  Our Tyler Sofa was the final piece (for now - things are always changing in a designer's home) to complete the vision he had for his living room ahead of a Mad Men party he was throwing for the premiere of its seventh and final season.  The show-stopping sofa was done in a custom fabric chosen by Robert called Omega Doeskin -- a thick grey/beige weave with warm, reflective copper strands running throughout giving the piece a gorgeously subtle, lustrous shimmer.

Photo courtesy of Pacheco Photography.

Photo courtesy of Pacheco Photography.


Robert along with business partner, Glen Warren, operate a design business called Commuter Industries and handle everything including logos, branding, websites, event design, and interior design as well as general marketing strategy and consulting.  In fact, they work closely with Casara Modern and handle all of our graphic design and website needs.  More images of Robert's home are below.

All images are courtesy of the talented Travis Pacheco of Pacheco Photography.